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Developed by 12new.ai


About 12New.AI

BestAgreement.aI is a product of 12New.AI (A20Lab, Inc).

This AI toolset helps you review contracts up to 10x faster, catch hidden risks, elevate contract management, etc.

12New.AI (A20Lab, Inc) was established in 2022 to revolutionize industries through the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Our mission is to empower businesses and governments to achieve unprecedented efficiency by minimizing their dependence on traditional professional services such as legal, financial, and consulting.

Here's how: Accelerating your workflow through advanced AI toolsets.

Faster workflows: Get things done quicker with AI's helping hand.
Reduced reliance: Free up time for strategic initiatives.
Greater efficiency: AI unlocks new levels of productivity.

About BestAgreement.ai

BestAgreement.ai is an AI toolset for optimizing contract management processes. It streamlines tasks such as redlining, actions extraction, actions extractions, and agreements comparison, enhancing both efficiency and compliance for legal and corporate teams.

By automating critical aspects of contract review and management, BestAgreement.ai significantly reduces legal risks and operational costs(-85%).

Our Team

CEO and Founder

Vitaliy Goncharuk

Entrepreneur (1 exit), Advisor / Expert 
to the Horizon Europe Programs (The EIC Accelerator, etc). former Qualcomm executive, and Angel Investor.

Project goal

Streamline Contract Reviews

Automate redlining and action item extraction to accelerate the review process, allowing legal teams to focus on strategic decisions.

Ensure Seamless Compliance

Use AI to scan contracts against global sanction lists, ensuring adherence to international legal standards and preventing compliance issues.

Slash Legal & Operational Costs

Minimize manual oversight and legal errors, reducing costs and freeing up resources for growth and development initiatives.

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